Westward Ho! Day 2 of 5

In case you missed it, I’m currently in the midst of unveiling my westward move from last year. One day on the road at a time.

On Day 1 I drove from my home in Watkinsville, GA to Shreveport, Louisiana. I could abbreviate that gulf state LA, but since my ending destination is the LA most people know about, I’ll avoid potential confusion. So. Lousiana.

For Day 2, I drove from a friend’s home in Shreveport to a luxury hotel in Amarillo, TX. You know, like a Texasized super-hotel from Home Alone 2.


Anyway, let’s cut to the chase with Darth and Mitsy on the second day of my grand westward adventure.

If you were me one year ago, Arby’s or Pizza Hut? If you were me today, Arby’s or Pizza Hut?