Writing to Me, Circa 2005

TMZ at 18Ever wish you could write a letter to yourself? And by “yourself” I mean the “you” from your past? Knowing what we know about ourselves now, wouldn’t that be incredible if we could mail ourselves some invaluable advice?

Well finally, we can do just that.

Actually, no we can’t. But we can pretend, right?

There’s this really nifty website called Dear 18 Me that allows people to write letters to their 18-year-old selves.

Selves. That’s a weird word to write.

Anyway, check out my recently accepted submission and then be sure to like it, retweet it, and sing it from the rooftops.

Unless you don’t actually like it, in which case, why don’t you just write your own 18-year-old self a letter and see if you can do better?

Hey, that rhymes.


tyler 20 October 2011
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18, such a tall and frolicking age.