More than Hello-ween: Change a Life Tonight

Trick or TreatersIt’s that special time of the year. The Christmas decorations are up and snowstorms are hitting the northeast, so it must be that wonderful holiday when we greet countless creatures of the night and exchange hellos for candy.

Ah, Halloween.

I’m always amazed at the angst this holiday inspires among certain Christians. Because, let’s face it:

Kids dress up and ask neighbors for candy.

That’s it. Ranks about a -13 on the Heinous-O-Meter (maybe a -6 if the kids’ costumes are inspired by a Lady Gaga ensemble).

Do older kids do stupid/sinful things on this particular night of the year? Sure. But older kids do stupid/sinful things every night of the year. Even on Christmas and Flag Day.

I have fond memories of trick-or-treating as a kid. Haven’t done the ole t-o-t in many moons, as my Halloweens are now spent on the giving end of this whole candy ordeal.

As a writer fascinated with the human story, I’m always intrigued by nights like tonight when my story will temporarily cross paths with countless other characters’ stories, perhaps never to encounter such characters again.

And here’s what that intertwining path generally looks like:

“Trick or treat!”

“Well hello there! Geewillikers, look at you guys! What are you, son, some kind of werewolf with a shiny sash? Oh, now I get it. Here, have some candy!”

“Thank you!”

“You’re welcome! Have a good night!”


And…scene. These cheery exchanges will last about 30 seconds max in most cases, and so I wonder: whose life will I change in those 30 seconds?

What about you? Whose life will you change when the doorbell rings?

(Assuming you’re not at your church’s “harvest festival” or out participating in this weirdly named “Jesusween” thing whatever that even is because I honestly have no idea because it just sounds really absurd.)

Will you simply utter a soft “hello” and nervously toss candy at Simba or Tinkerbell or One of the Angry Birds and give a sigh of relief when you close the door because nobody cast a satanic curse upon you?

Will you be one of those people who close the shades and turn the lights off like you’re living in colonial times?

Will you be one of THOSE people who hand out pencils and tracks?

Or will you use this opportunity to do something more? To impact another life with the brief 30 seconds you’ve been given to enter into their story? To leave them with a story worth telling and retelling?

The human story — it never gets old, always in motion. And we all partake with one another.

How will you make a difference tonight? What’ll you be doing this Jesusween Halloween?

MLYaksh 31 October 2011
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My parents didn’t let me go trick-or-treating (over protective) but they at least did give out candy. Actually, I preferred helping give the candy out myself. No walking, plenty of leftover candy- a great deal in my book!

I wish I lived in an area that had kids trick-or-treating cause I’d love to give out candy still. Maybe next year.

Rob Shepherd 31 October 2011
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Great post! I like that you included Flag Day. I hope to make some difference. Our kids are only 7 months and they get really fussy around 6:00 PM. We are walking around with them to meet people and try to make connections. We are walking with my nephew is older. No my twins are not trick or treating. They don’t have enough teeth to eat the candy. I think people would see through us using them to stash up on candy.

Kevin 31 October 2011
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I saw Colbert’s bit about Jesusween last week.

“Because dressing in white and handing out bibles is sure to make your house the creepiest one on the block.”
there is MAYBE one child per neighborhood that would prefer a bible over candy…and it’s the kid who already has a bible.

well just watch it if you haven’t seen it.

Kevin 31 October 2011
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I saw Colbert’s bit about Jesusween last week.

“Because dressing in white and handing out bibles is sure to make your house the creepiest one on the block.”
there is MAYBE one child per neighborhood that would prefer a bible over candy…and it’s the kid who already has a bible.

well just watch it if you haven’t seen it.