TMZ’s Top-5 Posts of 2012: #5

Over the coming days I’ll be featuring my top-5 posts of 2012. I know, I know, I should have made it a top-11 to follow in the vein of this and this and this. Or a top-12 because it’s, like, 2012.

WHATEVER. There’s only 5 days left in 2012, so a top-5 it shall be.

Up first at #5 comes the recounting of my birthday baptism by Buccaneer Bay. An April post I entitled, “A Birthday Baptism by Buccaneer Bay.” Makes sense, right? Here’s how it starts…

I was baptized last week.

It was more “unconventional” in the sense that the event did not occur within the traditional confines of a Sunday morning service of a standard church building.

I kinda like that. 

But though occurring on a non-churchy Tuesday night at a non-churchy water park, my baptism most certainly occurred in the truly Churchy presence of a dozen and a half dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

My parents flew into town earlier in the day, so they were present.

Several people from my church’s life group attended. We always meet on Wednesday nights, so for that many people to take the time out of their normal Tuesday night schedule was pretty special.

Both my roommates were there. Been truly blessed to live with such amazing affirming guys these last two years.

A dear guy I worked with last summer in Milwaukee also showed up. So blessed that he lives in the area.

It was just moving beyond words for all these precious people from so many different “sectors” of my life to support me wholeheartedly with their presence: family, roommates, fellow “lifers,” etc.

I essentially lived all my teenage years and early 20s believing I wasn’t good enough for authentic friendship and genuine communitySo to be surrounded by so many dear brothers and sisters in a single place, a single moment…

There are no words.


CLICK HERE to read the thrilling conclusion! And here’s a little SPOILER: a video is included. A totes emotes video in which I may or may not cry.

So there you have my #5 post of 2012. Check back tomorrow for #4!

Until then, what’s the fifth best sports franchise in Los Angeles? I’m going with Ducks. Definitely Ducks.

Rebecka 27 December 2012
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I loved that post, it was probably one of the first ones I commented on, it really moved me!
Um, what’s sports? Can you eat it?