Oh hey there, TMZ’ers. Remember how I called you that once long ago? I didn’t like it then, and I still don’t like it now. But like picking a scab though it’s wiser to leave it alone and let it heal, I recycle the silly term and immediately regret doing so. Blast.
So anyway, TMZ’ers, it’s been a while! I’ve been hopping around the east coast for several weeks, enjoying precious time with family and friends.
I hope y’all enjoyed my Westward Ho videos and some recycled Facebook posts over the holiday days. It was basically like I was still with you on Christmas morning, right? Or at least like the grandpa who sleeps on the couch through present-opening.
Now that I’m back on the west coast until the summer, I should bounce back into my usual five-to-six posts per week rhythm. And I’ll talk about some significant life-updates this Wednesday for a second straight Wednesday of the wandering variety.
Look: italics, y’all.
This type of post probably comes a week later than 99.4% of Blogging World, but alas. Better late than nonexistent.
One of my favorite bloggers, Alece, is promoting a nifty, blogtastic idea called One Word 365, an alternative for stereotypical resolutions that I always stink at keeping.
Why would I — why should you — choose one word to christen the upcoming year rather than craft a traditional, bulleted list of resolutions? I’ll let Alece explain for me.
Because that is easy to remember. All 365 days of the year. It becomes the filter through which you see and live your life. It steers your decisions and guides your steps.
When I gave this notion the go, countless words crashed into me like bugs on a windshield. My one word had to be good. Unpredictable. Unique.
Alece selected choose as her one word for 2012.
Another favorite blogger o’ mine, Jeff Goins, picked start.
And what is my one word for 2012, you ask? It was hard. Hard finding it; hard letting it find me.
Maybe a word popped right into your head. Maybe you need to let the idea percolate a bit longer. Either way, more often than not, your word finds you. You’ll probably have a love/hate relationship with it. That’s okay. If it doesn’t scare you at least a little, it’s probably not the right word.
Since 2012 dawned, several intriguing possibilities have crashed into my windshield.
But alas, nothing gripped me — or as Alece put it, “scared me at least a little.”
Until eventually I realized all those bug-splat words could be smeared into one single definite resounding word. And since I’m a sucker for song connections, I’ll let Casting Crowns sing it for you.
My one word for 2012 is courageous.
I want to branch out from tutoring and substitute-teach this spring.
I want to impact precious kids for Christ this summer.
I want to leap boldly into the unknown this fall.
I want to finish my novel and publish it. Finally.
I want to have hope for my life. That God indeed knows what He’s doing.
I want to live this entire year courageously.
Because, as Casting Crowns so boldly puts it, I was made to be courageous. Why am I far too often not courageous? Why do I give in to a spirit of fear instead of power and love and a sound mind?
I’ve long struggled with boldness, a Struggle Sunday post surely coming soon to an internet near you. I just want this year to be a bold year.
A courageous year — my courageousest yet.
This week’s Wandering Wednesday video-blog will further explain my one word. Until then, I’ll let courageous ruminate in written form.
Now it’s your turn.
Have you committed one word for 2012? Have any resolutions to share? I wanna know them, wanna strive and grow with you this upcoming year.
Be bold; be courageous. All year long.
[…] word instead; make your big and little decisions through that word alone. It did wonders for me in 2012, and I look forward to an incredible year of identity in […]