Several months ago an ancient crusty dude named Harold Camping made news the world over with his perilous end-of-the-world prediction for May 21. I wrote not one, but two blogs about it while interning with Revelife this past spring, and look at me, writing about the same ancient crusty dude five months later.
This time, for the last time. Assuming he doesn’t actually put forth yet another doomed prediction.
In case you hadn’t heard what became of Camping after his failed 5/21 prediction, he went into radio silence for a couple days and then explained the non-Rapture: an invisible spiritual judgment had apparently indeed transpired without our knowing it.
He then said the world would officially end on October 21. For realz this time. Well, probably. He actually used the word “probably.”
Well. It’s October 22. And as best I can tell, the world’s still here. Yup, there’s the 5am garbage truck, right on schedule outside my window. And all the Christians are still here, along with everyone else and their mamas too.
Who knows what Camping’s excuse will be this time and whether he’d actually make another prediction after going 0-for-2 this year and 0-for-everything in his life.
But I don’t really want to poke fun at Camping more than has already been done. Although this Taiwanese animated news video of his predictions is pretty hilarious. But after this, no more Camping cop-out jokes.
As a self-proclaimed “restless wanderer,” I often find myself yearning for the end. Not in a necessarily suicidal pessimistic way, but just in a realistic things-will-be-so-much-better-in-heaven way.
In my heart of hearts, yeah, I really hoped that an ancient crusty dude could actually be exactly right about the end-times. That he really did somehow unearth some mathematical secret, or that God decided to listen to one of His ancient crusty creations.
And that I wouldn’t need to worry any longer about my future and surviving and figuring complications out.
It’s October 22; life goes on. God isn’t going to and never will listen to a human being’s end-of-everything prediction. He has His own end-of-everything date set in stone, and at the very least we’ve moved one day closer.
I still yearn for the end, but I’m striving to stay in the moment and make the most of my todays.
Yeah, God’s certainly been in my past, and He’ll keep on being in all my tomorrows leading into eternity.
But He’s also just as much here today, and I often lose sight of this reality amid my desire for tomorrow. And if it takes some failed doomsday predictions to help me see this reality a little more clearly, then hooray for ancient crusty dudes.
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