Philippiansing at the Park

PhilippiansI figure I’ve done enough serious posts over the past week of opening this blog that I should break it up a bit and let y’all know that I do indeed possess a sense of humor and enjoy laughing and smiling and frolicking with butterflies amid the black-eyed susans.

Since returning to California, I’ve gone to the park just about every day for some Philippiansing, running, and journaling time.

What’s that? You want to know what that word means? Well…okay, if you insist. It’s nothing too complicating; journaling just involves using a journal to write down your thoughts. You can start slow with just one entry a week, or if you wanna dive right in you could write multiple times —

Oh, you meant Philippiansing. Right. You just find two dudes named Phillip and Ian — could be friends or total strangers or one of each — and then you sing to them. As loud as possible. That’s not too complicating either, is it?

Actually, “Philippiansing” describes my uber-ambitious desire to memorize the entire book of Philippians.

Yeah, not the one-page book of Philemon but the multi-paged book of Philippians. Just to clarify; confusing biblical Phils and all.

Hey — Phils. Phillies.

Sorry, but that was awesome; no wonder I love this book. Go Phils.

For years Philippians has been my favorite book of the Bible, if I may dare elevate one book of Scripture over all the others. Sounds kinda like picking a favorite child, but really, who out there loves II Chronicles as much as they love John?

As for Philippians, it’s always been my go-to book whenever I’m feeling lost and desperate and — hey, what do you know, I’m feeling that way right now. I figured if I’m constantly flipping open Philippians…wouldn’t it be cool if I could more instantly “flip” there in my brain?

Ah yes, there’s Philippians 3:8 — right next to basic motor skills and all those wretched memories of running 3200s in track and field. Appropriate.

I’ve never been good at memorizing Scripture on a continuous basis. Part of me wonders if I should be starting out with a couple verses in Psalms or Proverbs or some other book not named II Chronicles. But isn’t that how memorizing an entire book starts anyway? A few verses at a time, built atop each other like bricks of a mighty castle?

As of now I’ve only got six and a half wobbly little bricks set in place. But this castle’s just getting started. I can’t wait to build more from this incredible book. One of my favorite songs even comes from its golden pages:

Memorizing Philippians is just one of several dreams I’ve laid out in the past month; I’ll be sharing more of these illustrious items in the weeks to come. And I’ll definitely keep posting my Philippiansing progress.

So, at the beginning of this post I mentioned my sense of humor. You know what’s funny? I actually intended on writing about something completely different when I fired up this post. But then it went a totally different direction.

Love blogging.

I promise the funnies will come. And the seriouseys too, since apparently people like those posts more.

In closing, anyone try memorizing an entire book of the Bible before, or even a whole chapter? How do you memorize Scripture?


[…] Now we’re getting into the big guns of Crowns songs. I’ve made it no secret that Philippians is my favorite book of the Bible, and this song stems straight from its wellspring of pages. “To Know You” […]

[…] (Nahum? Who you be?). But here I am, flipping through your pessimism-drenched pages once again. Like Philippians, I always devour you during times like these. But unlike turning to Philippians for affirmation of […]

[…] Now for some other shows I’m vaguely excited about this fall, and that I might possibly check out if I have the time in between tutoring and blogging and journaling and Philippiansing: […]

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MLYaksh 8 September 2011
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I’m currently Hebrewsing. I love studying the Bible through the lens of the early Jews, wishing I could fully see Jesus as they did. How awesome would it be to see the Law, something you’ve studied your entire life, be fulfilled in one Man!

Yeah I’m a knowledge/studying lover. Now if I can just get past chapter 2 of Hebrews.